Well, we made it. It’s been 5 years since we launched Blydyn Square with our first three titles, and despite all the odds, we’re (somehow) still in business. Just barely, maybe, but we’re hanging in there just the same.
It’s no easy task for a tiny press like ours to duke it out against the Big Five or the increasingly influential self-publishing community, so we extend our thanks to you, our friends and supporters, for helping us succeed in our mission: to bring you the highest-quality, most unique “books that make you think.”
Not only have we survived 5 years, but we just released our eighth book, a memoir by author Andrea Kott called Salt on a Robin’s Tail: An Unlikely Jewish Journey Through Childhood, Forgiveness, and Hope.
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, we weren’t able to celebrate the launch of Andrea’s book with a real-life party like we’d normally do, but we were thrilled to have dozens of people attend our “virtual” launch event, held on Zoom, on May 29. Eventually, when things settle down and the world reopens, we do plan to hold a real party for Andrea, so stay tuned for details!
This summer, we’re also excited to announce that our Blydyn Square Book Club is back—and better than ever.
Despite a good amount of interest from members, we shut down the Blydyn Square Book Club almost two years ago because the online-only meetings, which were then typed-chat only, simply weren’t conducive to a lively discussion. Now, thanks to Zoom and other online meeting services, we’ll be able to see, hear, and argue with each other about each month’s book club selection.
Our first meeting will be on July 9, at 7:00 p.m. We’ll be talking about Delia Owen’s novel Where the Crawdads Sing. We hope you’ll join us. Please visit the book club’s Facebook page for more information about upcoming meetings.
Before I sign off, I have one request: We want to hear from you. If you have questions, comments, or want to know more about any book- or publishing-related topic—from how to (finally) write your novel, to the best way to submit writing (whether it’s to us or to other publishers or agents), to our upcoming titles and events—let us know. Email info@blydynsquarebooks.com and we’ll either contact you directly or include your topic in an upcoming newsletter.
And just to see how many of you have actually bothered to read this far, here’s a little trivia question for you:
What is widely regarded as the world’s very first novel, written in 1008 C.E.?
Anyone who emails us with the correct answer will be entered in a random drawing to win a free book. Stay tuned each month for more puzzles, trivia, and quizzes—and the chance to win books and other prizes.
Thanks so much for being a Blydyn Square Books reader and supporter. Here’s to another great 5 years in the book business!
Best wishes,
Tara Tomczyk
Editor in Chief
Blydyn Square Books