We’d give this one to people who encounter inflammatory political posts on social media and, instead of clicking “Like” or commenting, just scroll on past. Let’s face it—we all know that the current political situation is a mess. But all these nasty arguments—from both sides—aren’t helping matters at all. The kind of people who post hateful vitriol NEED our comments and “Likes.” They feed on it. If we just withhold the fuel they need to survive, eventually, they WILL go away. Therefore, we present this award goes to anyone sensible enough to JUST SAY NO to political posting.

Author: Tara Tomczyk
Editor in chief Tara Tomczyk has been a professional writer and editor for over 24 years. She specializes in editing nonfiction books for the young adult market, working primarily as a history, social studies, and biography editor. In 2005, she started her own editorial services company, eventually narrowing her focus to publishing books and ebooks, as she helped launch Blydyn Square Books. Tara Tomczyk, Editor in Chief of Blydyn Square Books